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Easy to have a mini ultrasound scanner, the spring for doctors

Sonostar Technologies Co., Limited

Ultrasound is an essential equipment for every medical unit, which allowsdoctors to judge various diseases more quickly and accurately than traditionalmethods, as well as interventions in various needle insertions and minimallyinvasive surgery. Visualization and precise operation can enable patients toobtain better and more timely diagnosis and treatment, and also enable medicalstaff to better improve the level of diagnosis and treatment, reduce laborintensity and psychological stress, reduce operational risks and avoidmisdiagnosis, missed diagnosis and complications. Avoid medical accidents.

However, the traditional ultrasound scanner is expensive, and it is notconvenient to carry and operate. It is not suitable for widespread use inclinical departments and grassroots. The latest ultrasound visual inspectiondevice (handheld mini ultrasound probe) is convenient to use, excellent inperformance, and low price. It will greatly meet the above-mentioned huge andurgent clinical needs for the benefit of the majority of patients and medicalstaff.


At present, aconsiderable part of the diagnosis and treatment of the disease can still becarried out by the doctor’s experience, instead of using the inspection andassistance of the equipment to achieve accurate diagnosis and treatment. Inoutpatient clinics, inpatient departments, primary medical institutions, healthcare institutions, and major hospitals, due to lack of diagnostic equipment,the judgment of many diseases is still based on the traditional method ofobedience. Meanwhile, due to lack of image visualization and guidanceequipment, and it’s not convenient to borrow the equipment from ultrasounddepartment, blind insertion will always appear in clinicaldepartment and surgery room during needle intubation, minimally invasivesurgery. Not only that, in many field first aid,ambulance, emergency clinic, ward inspection, home inspection, they are alsorarely using equipment to do accurate inspections but just a rough judgment.


These will inevitablylead to lots of misdiagnosis, missed diagnosis and blindness, which cause manypains, complications, sequelae, and even caused many medical accidents. Itresults many medical disputes. In this process, patients are not getting timelyand effective treatment or suffering more pains, the doctors undertake morepressure and even suffer hurt by patients, the hospitals will also suffer lossbecause of paying compensate for the medical accidents. And they may getcomplain or suffer great damage from patients. That’s to say, no matterpatients, doctors, or hospitals; they will suffer a lot of damage and loss, andat the same time caused social disharmony and instability.

In order to solve theharm and troubles caused by the above-mentioned non-visual and non-precisemedical treatment to the government, hospitals, doctors and patients, the bestway is to realize every doctors have a visual guidance device, this is thedream of many medical workers for many years.

The wide-rangingdeployment of ultrasound imaging equipment (ultrasound scanner) is verynecessary. It can scan and display the profile structure and blood flowinformation of most soft tissues, organs, etc., and diagnose various diseases.The visual guidance of intervention has a great effect, and the applicationsurface is very extensive. It has always been one of the necessary equipmentfor medical institutions. Moreover, it has no radiation and therefore has nohidden dangers of safety and harm. It is also convenient to use and is verysuitable for popularization.

However, the price oftraditional ultrasonic imaging equipment is still expensive. Depending onperformance, function, configuration and brand, the price ranges from fivethousands to ten, and it is difficult to spread to clinical departments andprimary medical units with low budgets. And the product is bulky, usually froma few kilograms to hundreds of kilograms. In this respect, it is not suitablefor clinical departments and primary medical units that have high requirementsfor carrying and handling.

In order to meet thehuge and urgent market demand, it is imperative to develop and popularizeultra-small imaging devices that are portable and easy to operate andinexpensive, and can be widely accepted by clinical and primary medical units.Many leading experts have also been calling for many years. In an effort topromote, the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2016 has included the researchand development of small-scale ultrasound imaging systems in the supportprojects of the 13th Five-Year Plan.

Many domestic andforeign companies have joined the ranks of development, production andpopularization of small-sized ultrasound imaging equipment, and have introducedsmall-sized ultrasounds in various styles such as portable, notebook andpalm-sized.

Thelatest handheld ultrasound probe make the original large-scale ultrasoundimaging equipment to be a minimized probe, itis a small inspection tool that doctors can carry with them conveniently, andthe function is mainly to achieve the purpose of inspection through imaging.It’s equivalent to the doctor’s third eye, called "ultrasound visualinspection device".


As a pioneer in thedevelopment and popularization of handheld ultrasound probe, SonostarTechnologies Co., Ltd has written a strong and colorful history for thedevelopment of the industry. The handheld wireless ultrasound probes have greatadvantages in terms of performance, function and cost performance. It is at theleading position at home and abroad, and it has been sold well all over theword. It also obtained the project and 10 million grades of the key researchand development plan of the National 13th Five-Year Plan and TechnologyDepartment. R&D funding support.

The size of Sonostarwireless ultrasound probe just like a mobile phone, and the weight is about 200grams, this is miraculous! The probe was connected with smart phone, tablet andcomputer by internal Wi-Fi, it makes the carrying and operation moreconvenient.


Theprinciple is to make the traditional large ultrasound into a small circuitboard and hide it in the probe. That’s mean, the original ultrasound “main unit+ probe” became just a probe. The image date is transmitted to smart phone,tablet and computer by internal Wi-Fi.

This product has avery high clinical value and a wide range of applications, as a new generationof medical treatment tools, it was loved by the majority of medical staff.

Moreover,the price is very competitive. Sonostar has also joined a number of foundationsand sponsors to provide price subsidies to buyers who meet the supportconditions. After the subsidy, the price of high-end model will have low price,and the low-end model will have more competitive price.

Moreover,there is no follow-up fee, no need to pay any fees during the use process, andthere are no traps and routines for any price.

Thestory of the popularity of cars, television, and computers in the history isalso being staged in the medical equipment industry!

Youmight think that to build a smart machine with a lower price, there must besome sacrifices on quality or functions, etc. Well... Let's have a look




Sonostar handheld ultrasound probe not onlyhas a high clear and delicate image quality, but also has a full blood flowimage. The clinical effect is same as a portable ultrasound scanner which atthe price around USD10,000.00, theusers said.


Sonostar handheldultrasound probe looks like very mini, but it has powerful functions as traditionalultrasound scanner, such as B/M/Color/PW/PDI multiple imaging modes, as well asapplication type selection and image adjustments, puncture guides, imageplayback and preservation, measurement calculations, patient information andreports are all available.

Even has some high-end functions more thanthe traditional ultrasound scanner, includes vascular positioning function, andupcoming tip development enhancement, magnetic navigation functions and so on.

Thelatest new double head probe has three functions, one machine withmulti-inspection function is a great breakthrough by Sonostar. Thetraditional ultrasound scanner will need different probes for inspect differentpositions. For example, inspect abdomen will need convex probe, superficialwill need linear probe, uterus will need transvaginal probe, heart will needphase array probe. Sonostar handheld double-headed probesinclude two heads, convex and linear probe. The convex probe has a working modethat the middle of the probe emits sound waves and the left and right largeangles are diffused and emitted. That’s to say, the phased array working modecan also be used for cardiac examination. Therefore, it will have threefunctions for just a probe.

(Three-in-one probecan be used for abdominal, superficial, and cardiac to achieve nearly the wholebody examination, it meets most clinical needs)



Meanwhile, the functions of the Sonostarhandheld machine will be realized through Apps in smart phone, tablet andcomputer. It is possible to realize more powerful functions by means of theseintelligent terminals, with increasingly convenient internet communication,it’s easy to realize data networking interaction and remote diagnosis. Incontrast, the traditional ultrasound scanner is difficult to connect withoutside networking.

It is also very flexible in matching displaysize, the users can choose different sizes of smart phone, tablet and computeraccording to his requirement. The following laptop ultrasound on the right hascomputer system, it can be connected with wireless ultrasound probe as well,large screen and ultrasonic button can also meet the operation requirements.

In terms of storagecapacity, the storage space of mobile phones, tablets, and computers is alsogenerally very large, and can be stored in a remote cloud server conveniently.


Although Sonostar wireless handheldultrasound probe is very compact, the function is powerful. The functions oftraditional ultrasound scanner include application selection, image adjustment,puncture guideline, image playback and preservation, measurement calculation,patient information and reports are all available.



Sonostarhandheld ultrasound has excellent performance, the product not only has clearimage, but also runs smoothly. In particular, it uses a unique wifi transmissiontechnology and 5G wifi bandwidth. Although the probe was connected by wifi,it will not appear image delay. The frame rate is the same as traditional wiredultrasound scanner.

The battery can work 3~5 hours, and it’ssupport wireless charging, which can be conveniently charged in the gap betweenscans.


And the head is fixed sealing connectioninstead of being plugged, the stability andwaterproof performance are better.



Sonostarhandheld ultrasound probe has reliable quality and stability, the performancehas been kept very good for a long time, it will not appear to crash problemduring working. The battery life is very long, and the software has been matureand stable after years of optimization.

Mostof the first sold machines in 2015 kept good performance till now, there arealso very few faulty probes need to repair.




Sonostarhandheld ultrasound probe likes a minimized traditional ultrasound scanner, theproduct volume is a little bit bigger than the probe of traditional ultrasound,the size is nearly same as a smart phone, and weighs is only 200 grams. Theprobe was connected with smart phone, tablet and computer through wirelessWi-Fi, it’s convenient and free to carry.

Meanwhile, it also abandons the complicatedinterface and operation of traditional ultrasound. The operation interface isdesigned to be very simple and intuitive according to the characteristics ofclinical, grassroots and first-aid applications. And the operation process issimplified and convenient.

These make the user comfortable during work,and it’s easy to operate.




Sonostarhandheld ultrasound probe is compatible with iOS, Android and Windows system.Most of smart phones, tablets, and computers are compatible.

This is better than some competitors ofhandheld ultrasound, they are normally match few models.


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