30th INDONESIAN INT’L HOSPITAL EXPO - 2017Sonostar Booth:Hall A, 168Date: 2017.10.18-21VIEW MORE →2023-03-04 -
78th CMEF(2017.10.29-11.1, Kuming China)
78th CMEF(2017.10.29-11.1, Kuming China)Sonostar Booth: Hall 2, N23VIEW MORE →2023-03-04 -
Welcome to visit us at 2016 Fime Congress
2016-07-25Welcome to visit us at 2016 Fime CongressDate: 2-4 August 2016Address: Miami Beach ConventVIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
We will attend the 75th CMEF Fair (2016.4.17-20 Shanghai)
2016-03-18We will attend the 75th CMEF Fair (2016.4.17-20 Shanghai)Date: April 17-20, 2016Address: SVIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
We will attend the 75th CMEF Fair (2016.4.17-20 Shanghai)
We will attend the 75th CMEF Fair (2016.4.17-20 Shanghai)Date: April 17-20, 2016Address: Shanghai NaVIEW MORE →2023-03-04 -
We will attend 41th(2016) Arab Heath Congress
2015-12-25Wewillattend41th(2016)ArabHeathCongressDate:25-28January2016Address:Dubai(UnitedArabEmiratVIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
We will attend Medica Fair (2015.11.16-19, Dusseldorf)
2015-09-15We will attend Medica 2015Date:November 16-19th,2015Add:Dusseldorf,GermanyOur Stand No:HalVIEW MORE →2023-03-07 -
We will attend the 74th CMEF Fair (2015.10.18-21 Wuhan)
2015-09-15We will attend the 74th CMEF Fair (2015.10.18-21 Wuhan) Date: 2015.October.18-21 Address:VIEW MORE →2023-03-07